by Patricia Erickson | Latest News
Being successful in business requires a solid set of skills. Of course, you need talent and having a natural ability to excel at something is an advantage when it comes to success. You need to stand out in the marketplace. Your product or service that you provide has...
by Patricia Erickson | Latest News
Sometimes you have the question in the back of your head as to whether you’ll have a job – you simply have no idea what the future holds for you especially in the current economic atmosphere. You might be wondering if you’ll have a job next week. Add that to the...
by Patricia Erickson | Latest News
10 Great Reasons for Personal Development The power of personal development is that it is all about you, your growth, and realizing your true potential. It’s a lifelong learning and growing process that you’ve probably already adopted and are just...
by Patricia Erickson | Business
Some people seem to be born to succeed. It seems that they have an innate ability to grab the world with both hands and get what they want when they want it. They’re often called lucky, they’re publicly admired and secretly envied, and they seem to live life on their...
by Patricia Erickson | Business
It comes as no surprise that as a species, we’ve evolved into very visual beings. Our sight may be considered our strongest and most important sense. It is largely responsible for our having survived and thrived for this long on our planet. Our ability to detect...